Monday 11 August 2008

Little Known Ways To Qualify For A Home Mortgage Loan

Once you decide to shop around for a certain lender, you have officially started the process of a home mortgage loan. However, it doesn’t end here. You will then have to sign a purchase contract and undergo through the credit approval process, which verifies your actual income, certain liabilities and your ability to repay the potential loan.

When you are invited for a loan interview, make sure to bring a signed copy of the purchase contract. This contract for your house loan specifies the down payment amount, price of the house and your proposed closing date. Typically, when you apply for a mortgage loan, the lender uses all these information to calculate whether the house you wish to buy could serve as collateral for the money you want to borrow.

Make sure to obtain your credit report and correct possible errors before applying for a home mortgage loan since this information will largely affect your ability to obtain the loan.

In order to be processed for a home mortgage as quickly as possible, remember to complete all the documents virtually all lenders require for the loan process.

For the verification of your income, you need to bring:
* Earning statements (w-2 forms, current pay stubs and tax returns for the past year)
* For self-employed (profit and loss statements and return tax for the past two years)
* Extra income (overtime, commission, veteran benefits, social security, and so on)

For the verification of your assets, you should have obtained:
* List of all bank account numbers (including branch address and checking or savings account statements for the past three months)
* All copies of any title to motor vehicles, which are paid in full.
* List of stocks, investments, and saving bonds (including approximate market value of each)

For the verification of your credit history, you need to bring:
* Copies of credit card statements for the past six months
* List of all consumer debts (including furniture, student or car loans and other co-signed installment loans with the creditor’s contact numbers and addresses)
* Evidence or copies of rental payments or mortgage
* Documents of child support or alimony

If you have not established your credit rating, provide the lender with other information showing payment histories. These include utility payments, canceled checks or any recurring obligations.

Having these documents could speed up the process of your home mortgage loan. However, take into account that different lenders may have different information requirements. For this reason, ask your lender in advance about what to bring for your initial home mortgage interview.

Saturday 9 August 2008

How to Qualify For A Mortgage Loan

Applying for a mortgage loan is quite an important step for many people. However, many are quite adamant about actually applying for the mortgage loan simply because people are not sure what they need to qualify for one. The qualifications of a mortgage loan are actually not that complicated.

Here are some of the general guidelines of how you can qualify for a mortgage loan:

1. If you have filed for bankruptcy, you should wait for at least 2 years since your final discharge date.

2. If you have had an foreclosures, there should have been at least 3 years since the foreclosure had been finalized.

3. You should have had no late payments with your previous credits for at least one year (12 months). But if you have had a great credit record for several years and you had some little occasions of late payment, your application might still be considered. Usually, lenders watch out for late payments that are 30 days behind or more.

4. Your rental payment history might also be checked. You should have punctual payments for at least, the last 2 years to prove that you pay on time.

5. Usually you might get disqualified for a mortgage loan if the government has guaranteed your student loan to be default. However, there are cases the disqualification may be lifted provided that you have renegotiated your repayment schedule for the loan and you have made punctual payments again for the past year.

6. All of your account that is in a collection status should be repaid prior to the application for the mortgage loan.

7. Judgments ordered by the court should already have been paid in full. Those cases that involve child support should have payments that are current and caught up.

8. If you are self-employed or your income is based on commission, you would usually need to have been receiving a steady income from that source for at least two years in such a way that the lender would be able to account for your average income. There may be some exempted cases, however.

9. Lenders would usually only account for bonus or overtime pay as part of the “qualifying” source of income if you have had a history of bonus or overtime pay from your present employer for at least a year or two. Your employer should verify how much overtime hours you have served or how much bonus income you would be getting for such sources of income to be considered.

10. If you have two jobs, your secondary income may usually be counted as part of the qualifying income when you have had a continued history of earning from both jobs in the past two years, otherwise, only one job may be included in the qualifying income.

11. If you have been receiving income through child support, you should have been receiving income consistently. You would be required to submit a history of the payments made for the child support. Usually, if your child support status has just been awarded recently, it might not be considered as a qualifying source of income.

12. If you are currently being sued, or if you are currently involved in any legal matter such as an ongoing divorce suit, you might have to wait until the lawsuit becomes settled before you could apply for a mortgage loan.

What is the point of these qualifications?

Lenders carefully scrutinize your qualifications in order to ascertain how much the maximum amount of money you could afford to pay them ever month. They do so by fitting your information into certain formulas that give fairly accurate predictions. Should these predictions prove that you can afford to pay the monthly dues that will be stipulated by the loan, you are most likely to be granted the mortgage loan.

The importance of having a clean or at least a decent record cannot be over stressed when it comes to getting a mortgage loan. However, if you have had some small stains in your record, lenders provide considerations such as specified above. Knowing these, you can pretty much estimate if you would be able to qualify for a mortgage loan or not.

Thursday 7 August 2008

How to Pre-qualify for an FHA Home Loan

FHA home loans are mortgages that are insured by the United States government, more particularly the Federal Housing Administration. FHA in itself does not make the loans. What they do is that they insure the loans that were in turn, given out by their qualified group of commercial lenders.

With the introduction of the FHA home loan, a lot of low-income Americans were able to secure a loan to purchase their homes. FHA home loans are conceptualized in 1930's during the time of the Great Depression. The government acted to subsidize loaning programs through FHA in response to the growing rate of defaults and foreclosures.

The good news is that FHA is for every American. But they have to follow the set guidelines in applying for it. To know if you qualify for an FHA home loan, here is a checklist that you can use. See for yourself if you can take advantage of FHA's easy mortgage loan plans.

1. First and foremost, you should have a steady employment history. By this, you should be able to prove to the agency that you have at least two years of service with your current employer. Stability of job and income is the main factor. That's the primary requirement of FHA.

2. You should have an increasing income, or at least, a consistent one. So that FHA can correctly assess your capability to pay, you should show them that in your current job, you are earning a fixed amount. And if in case it is not the case, your income should follow a steady rising pattern, not a fluctuating one.

3. You should be able to boast about your credit history. Your credit report definitely says a lot about your financial status. It is FHA's requirement that all their applicants are in good credit standing. And not only that, they also require that there is not a single payment over due for more than a month within the last two years in their credit reports.

4. You should also show that you've got no history of bankruptcy. Or even if you had, it should be at least two years before. You should also show and that you already had regained financial stability for the past two years. You should be in a good credit standing for two consecutive years.

5. Your foreclosures, if any, should be three years old at the very least. This one follows the same principle as the bankruptcy rule stated above. It is a must that for the past three years, what you have is a good credit standing.

6. You can only apply for a loan that is 30% of your total monthly income. If you have everything else worked out, remember this last important detail: FHA will approve you a loan corresponding to your gross income. So, do not apply for one that exceeds 30%. Your application will just be denied. Look and settle for a house that is just within the set limits.

These are the different points to consider when applying for an FHA loan. You should qualify in the every step stated here. These are the exact guidelines that FHA is currently following.

But you have to know that pre-qualifying for the loan is just the first step. It is not a guarantee of anything. All it means is that FHA will merit a review of your application and proceed from there. Your dream of buying the perfect house is still in the cooking stages, so to speak.

Pre-qualification is the first step to getting a loan, though. Needless to say, it is an important step altogether. If you don't pass the pre-qualification stage, there is no way that you will be able to purchase the house that you always wanted, at least not through FHA.

What the pre-qualification step really does is that it assesses your income, your assets, and your ability to pay. After which, you are to show it to the lender waiting on the wings. Then they further study your case. You'll get the loan once they see that you are indeed, financially stable.

With all these said, go ahead and start evaluating yourself for an FHA home loan. Take advantage of what they are offering today. This is your chance to own the house of your dreams. Take it while it is still there.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

How To Find Poor Credit Home Mortgage Lenders

What would you do if you have very poor credit yet you so desperately want to buy a house and have a home you could call your own?

Relax, there is a solution to your predicament. Though having poor credit would usually make home purchasing a tad difficult, it is not entirely impossible.

The following are some of the options one could consider in finding poor credit lenders.

Ask, ask, ask

It is okay if you ask the seller to be the one who will carry the housing loan. If in case the seller somehow still has money owed on the house, it is possible to acquire a mortgage wraparound.

Basically, this type of mortgage allows one to make a payment every month on a mortgage that is existing as well as additional payment that will cover the other balance.

Pursue an option for lease

Via pursuing an option for lease, this allows one to set the current purchasing price as well as apply a small portion of a particular rent every month towards the down payment.

After each lease period (usually between twelve to thirty six months), the prices should then have increased and should have equity accrued.

Be aware that if such an option is not utilized, money paid to a particular seller will not be returned.

Increase, increase, increase

It is okay to increase the price you are more than willing to pay to a particular seller.
After which, asking the seller to credit the money to you back in order for that to be utilized as a down payment for cost closing is perfectly fine.

Do not be afraid to borrow

Borrowing money from relatives and friends would help in defraying costs for closing as well as in increasing down payment.

Also, borrowing from retirement or pension plans is another way to increase down payment.

Maybe a mortgage broker could help

Availing the mortgage that is best for you could probably be helped by availing the services of a broker.

This could be done by contacting local and state realtor boards for the list of brokers in your local area. You could also ask around your own circle of real estate friends or agents for additional references.

All in all, buying a home is easy as long as you are willing to spend the necessary time to expend the energy needed to buy the home of your dreams. Because, believe it or not, it is possible.

Sunday 3 August 2008

How Home Loan Interest Rates Fared

The fluctuation of home mortgage rates is one of the benchmarks of the overall economy because interest rates are largely tied to the decisions made in New York by the Federal Reserve, among many other economic factors. Interest rates are adjusted according to the financial matters in the US such as exportation and inflation because such factors determine how easy or hard it would be to borrow and lend money.

Mortgage rates are used to help control the economy. If the movement of the economy is deemed to be too fast, higher rates are imposed so that individuals and corporations would be less willing to apply for loans. Conversely if the economy seems to be rather slow or stagnant, rates are lowered so that people would be more enticed to do more business transactions.

Trends in Home Mortgage Rates

It is quite interesting to know that mortgage rates have been lower than 8.5% since the year 1996, with the lowest rates of about 5.5% seen on the middle of 2005. While individuals might see an extremely different mortgage rate at a particular time due to other factors that affect rates (their salaries or credit histories), the trend has generally been observed to be generally consistent throughout financial circles.

The fall of interest rates from the high figures prior to 1996 has allowed a lot of people to buy their homes, purchase lands, or more to larger houses. Perhaps this reflects an effort to speed up the economy from that time up to now. However this year, the rates are rising probably because of an upsurge that the American economy has experienced in the previous year.

Current Home Mortgage Rates

Mortgage rates in the year 2006 are generally higher than that of the previous year with rates of about 6 percent for 30-year fixed rate mortgages (FRM). As of the 21st of September, 30-year FRMs have an average rate of 6.40%, while 15-year FRMs have an average rate of 6.06%. Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM) on the other hand are slightly lower with 5/1-year ARMs having an average interest rate of 6.08% and 1-year ARM having a mean rate of 5.54%.

The difference between this year’s and last year’s interest rates are not really significantly high as it would entail only a few hundred dollars increase in yearly payment rates. This probably would not stop a lot of people from getting mortgages, however if the rise continues, more people would become hesitant to get home loans.

Friday 1 August 2008

Home Sweet Home… But Can You Afford It?

You’ve finally found your dream house and are ready to commit but there’s that question of home mortgage affordability. Don’t let this thought scare you away just yet. Find out if you can go ahead and buy that house at last.

1. Know how much you have and how much you owe. How much income are you receiving at present? Is there a chance that it would increase? What will be your financial situation several years from now?

How much money do you owe to creditors? How much monthly payments do you make? Can you still afford to shell out more money after the bills are paid?

You’ll need a consistent source of income that can cover your mortgage and other expenses. Try to foresee possibilities that you’ll need to factor in: a new child, changes in the job, back-to-school plans and cash-flow five or several years from now. Be prepared to be in it for the long haul.

2. If your debts are well managed, then you can afford a home mortgage. The lender will approve your loan more quickly if he sees that your debt-to-income ratio is well within manageable range.

The lender will ensure that your payments will only total 33% or less of your monthly gross income. Otherwise, pay off some of your debts before applying for a home mortgage.

3. Decide which one you prefer: fixed, adjustable or balloon rates. Paying a fixed rate is a more popular choice because it can protect you from surges in interests while paying the lowest rate possible for an agreed period of time may be lighter on your budget, but your mortgage payment can go up later.

4. Interest rates will go up and down depending on the activity of the market. If you can read and understand market trends and economic indicators, you can save a lot of money.

5. Be prepared to pay a downpayment. Typically, it is about 20% of the total price. A house priced at $200,000 will require a down of $40,000. There are also loans with low or no-downpayments, but it will cost you in terms of equity in the long run.

6. You have enough money saved that’s equivalent to at least three months’ monthly income. This will help cover unexpected expenses that could affect your mortgage payments.

There is no fixed answer on the affordability of a home mortgage. It will all depend upon your income, debt, interest rate and other factors. If the home mortgage fits into your personal situation, then you can definitely afford it.